Sunday, May 3, 2015


April 11, 2015

Dear Family,


Since I'm shipping out on Monday they're letting me do laundry and email back home today. :) 

I'm going to be calling home at about 5 or 6 Monday morning so wake up early! They want us to report to leave at about 3:45 A.M. Doesn't that sound like fun? 

I found Victoria and Shawnelle this week. They're doing pretty good! Shawnelle was surprised to see me. She didn't know we'd be in the MTC at the same time.

Nana & Papa K sent me two boxes of Sprouts Gummy Bears. I gave one to the other 3 elders in my residence and they devoured the whole thing in about an hour. I kept one for myself. Most of your candy is gone too. 

I got the watch on Tuesday actually. It's been working great so far! I still don't like having a thing strapped around my wrist but I need it to be able to tell time. It serves its purpose well. 

I had In Field Orientation the other day. It was a 9.5 hour class that was, for the most part about how to use members as a resource in finding people to teach. They spent so much time on that because statistically, tracting is the least effective method in finding people to teach and it just so happens that tracting is illegal in the U.S. 

Darn I was really hoping to spend 16 hours a day walking!

As per usual I've been studying, reading, studying, reading, reading, role playing, reading, studying, role playing, studying, reading, reading, reading, reading, reading, reading, studying, role playing...................... Have I mentioned READING YET? 

The weird thing is I'm not going insane in the least. I actually enjoy reading (DID I JUST TYPE THAT?!).

I'm still learning a lot and I'll tell you everything that's happened when I call you. They limit emailing to 60 minutes per P day. Although that's more that I thought it was going to be It's still not enough to type everything out. 

Thank you for your support, your kind letters, your candy, you love, I miss you but I'm happier than I have been in a while. I pray that you'll be safe and happy too. 

I'll send you pics in separate emails as per usual.

Thanks for listening.

-Elder Benjamin Kohkonen Cox

It's a bird, it's a bike, no... it's Super Elder!

My district with our teacher, Bro Carver 

2 PG Vikings - Sister Larsen, Elder Cox with Elder Sharp

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