Saturday, December 12, 2015

Service & Video

December 7, 2015

Hello Family! :D

Yes, I got the box. I already ate through the Toblerones. I wore the sweater to interviews with Pres. Brough and he liked it. I love the advent calendar! It's really helpful in reminding me about the true meaning of Christmas. I start every personal study with it. 

I'll find out transfer news this Saturday. Elder Jensen has a good chance at being transferred. He's spent 6 months here.

This week was a bit of everything again. We might have to stop doing service at that church. The lead minister pulled us aside and said we're not allowed to help deliver on the church buses anymore because their purpose is to bring others to Christ and ours isn't, but we are allowed to help in the kitchen. We told him our purpose is to bring others to Christ and he said "Well, I don't know a lot about your church. Can we set up a time to meet and discuss doctrines?" The time is set for tomorrow morning at 10. We're going to teach him the first lesson. I have the feeling he won't like it. The thing is, we've made very positive relationships with the other people who help out with the food. They always ask if we're coming back the next week. They love having us over. Last week one of the guys in the kitchen asked if we were going to help with delivery. We told him what happened and he didn't like that. If we do get kicked out tomorrow, it's going to cause a bit of a mess. The people in that kitchen will ask "Why is our church turning away these people who love helping us?" Tomorrow morning is going to be interesting.

On a happy note, J & L are coming to church regularly. We met with them the other night and helped them put Christmas lights up. We also showed them a few of the videos on They liked it. L took it upon herself to call over less active members and invite them to the branch Christmas party. That was cool to see.

During interviews, Sis. Brough challenged every missionary to get a paper back BoM and do the 4 color highlight activity in the back on Chapter 5 of PMG. I've been doing it for 2 weeks now and am almost done with 1st Nephi. It's surprising how much I comprehend now. This activity forces me to read every sentence carefully and decide which of the 4 colors I should use to highlight it or if it needs to be highlighted at all. It's a great activity and it makes the BoM a lot easier to understand. I'd suggest you give it a try. It's fun.

Yes, I did get to watch the Devotional last night. It was like another session of conference. It came on at 8 here which is 6 your time. It was like ending the day early. I thought everyone there gave great messages. I liked Elder Bednar and President Uchtdorf's messages a lot. Both were great at bringing the Christmas spirit in.

Last week I told you about Miss M. Unfortunately she didn't get baptized on Saturday. Her parents are still against it. She really wants to be baptized but she doesn't want to be disowned at the same time. She'll get baptized eventually. I honestly don't know how long it'll take though.

Thank you for everything. I love getting the packages! I have some fun pictures and a video you'll really like.

Merry Christmas! 

-Elder Ben

Cool "B"

Here's that selfie.

Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree!

Advent Calendar

I don't study. I play with Hot Wheels - jk  :)

This is what I've been having for breakfast for the past few weeks.
I eat next to the cool blow up sunlight thing you sent me.

We had a fireside District Meeting at the cabin this week.

It's pomegranate season!

This is me on the Jenson's couch after Thanksgiving dinner.

This is what's in the Jenson's 40 acre back yard.

Elder Bennett posing again.


We had a bonfire at the end of Thanksgiving day. It was probably 15 feet tall.

Elder Jensen and the toy car.

                                                                  Merry Christmas from the District!

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