Monday, January 9, 2017

Christmas Week!

December 26, 2016

Dear Family,

-> Large Plates <-

This was another very busy P-Day. I got a free haircut from a member who's a barber. Then we drove to Madison and hung out with the Madison elders for the day. We went to most of the random/weird little shops they had in their downtown. They had a lot of antique shops. Of course I made everyone go into the music shop. I bought some drum sticks there. It's been a long time since I've bought drum sticks. 

We taught Mr Ad that night. He wanted to read out of the BoM with us. He said he likes reading out of the BoM. That's impressive for a 16 year old convert. 

Not only did we bike around on Tuesday. We went on an adventure ride! Not your normal adventure ride. We rode in the country! Where the hills are unforgiving. We biked a good 3 or 4 miles out to this trailer park in the middle of nowhere to try a few people. When we got there we happened to run into a less-active that we've been trying to contact. We managed to set up an appointment. Yay! Biking!

We met another less-active named Mr K for the first time. He likes Star Wars. A lot. He's building the inside of an AT-AT Walker for his bed in his bedroom. It's pretty cool! 

We tried to meet with Mr Jo but he wasn't there. His mom was though. And she wanted to talk to us. At first I thought we were in trouble but she actually told us that it's a good thing we're talking to Mr Jo. Apparently he's been going through some rough things lately and needs some good friends. 

We taught Ms J and it went a lot better than it normally does. She's read up to the hundredth page in the BoM. Wow! Most people don't even get close to that. We were actually able to have a solid lesson with her too. So she's looking good again. I guess she's going to be an investigator who has good weeks and bad weeks. 

We went to the Hyde's for dinner. We were planning on teaching Mr Ad and the other family members about family home evening but right after dinner the UK vs. Uof L (University of Kentucky vs University of Louisville) game came on. I swear anytime a UK vs. Uof L game comes one Kentucky and Indiana shut down to watch. When those games are going, missionary work almost stops. 

Went to New Albany for the Christmas Conference! It was 6 hours long! The first few hours were training. Then a Christmas program Sis. Brough put together. Then we had lunch. Then games. Then some more trainings. I knew almost every missionary there. It was a good time. I felt like I was surrounded by friends. Since it was 3 zones in 1 building, that was probably the last time I'll see a majority of those people. 

We got home. Had dinner. Then we saw Ms Ro and read with her again. She's a bit of a difficult less-active. Her kids are causing her a lot of stress which causes her to return to old habits. 

Friday was a day. We had our weekly planning. Yay. Then biked around for a bit. It wasn't bitter cold thankfully. We met a lady who was actually certified crazy. She had a million pit bulls. My favorite dog! I didn't take my hand off my pepper spray as we talked with this lady. Or, as she talked to us. She was a talker. She went on about so many subjects. She talked with us for a good half hour. It was a long half hour. I can't really describe how she was in this email because that would take me too long. She was the craziest person I've talked to on my mission and that's saying something. 

Later on we saw Mr K again. This time we found out he's got a nice little tattoo shop next to his house (no I didn't get a tattoo. Stop asking). It's full of Marvel merchandise. He likes comics. He was tattooing the Avengers logo on someone's leg when we walked in. It wasn't really the environment to have a typical lesson". 

Saturday was pretty solid. We taught Mr Jo. It went extremely well. He told us he wants to learn how to repent. I was surprised to hear that coming from a 17 year-old. There was so much I wanted to say that would have applied to him. So many things about repentance that I could tell him. I really had to rely on the Spirit of Discernment to figure out what he needed. And to not overload him too. We wound up committing him to read he BoM because it can teach repentance better than we can. He accepted. Yes! 

We finally saw Mr M again. We broke the news to him that we couldn't baptize him because of his probation and he took it very well. He still wants to meet with us and learn. We read "I Will Not Burn the Book" with him. That's a good story you should check out. 

Later in the day we went to Lexington, IN to track down some members and formers. Of everyone we tried, only 1 didn't answer. That's pretty good! One of the formers we contacted is open to lessons again. Yes! The only problem is they live forever away.

I always wanted to serve in Lexington. I just thought it would be Lexington, KY not Lexington, IN. I think that's funny. 

We finished the night at the Boettchers with the district playing games and eating dinner. It was a good night. I'm going to miss the Boettchers when they're gone. 

Christmas! Had an hour long church service. Mostly singing. When we got home we opened our gifts! I got some nice ties and a lot of candy! After that we went to the Boettchers for lunch and more games. Then the time came for the Skype call. I had a great time talking to my family! That was the last Skype call of the mission. I can't believe it's been this long. It just feels like a few weeks ago I was calling from then President Sodder's home on Mothers Day. Man! 

The evening was easy. We went back to the Boettchers. I made my peanut butter kiss cookies at their place because Elder Kloepfer got permission to Skype his brother in California. I made the cookies out of the white chocolate wonderful peanut butter! They were so good! 

-> Small Plates <-
I hit 21 months next week. That's where Elder Lynch was when he got me. Wow! Has the time flown. With the Christmas season coming to a close I thought it would be appropriate to bear my testimony of the Savior instead of giving a spiritual thought. 

I'm awful at recognizing the things the Lord does for me at the moment He does them. Usually it takes me some time to think about things, to ponder them, to find the Lord's hand in my life. As I look back on my mission, I can see how meticulously crafted it has been for me. This was an experience that was perfectly customized to me. It taught me in ways that I could understand and pushed me in ways that would help me. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity I've had to be on a two year miracle. 

When I first came out I really didn't know much about the gospel. Sure, I had something of a testimony and a decent understanding of things but it wasn't until I came out that all of it really set in. I've learned so much more about the gospel and I've been able to see its application in action. All of this has taught me some important truths. 

God lives. Jesus is the Savior. They love us. This church is God's church. There's no doubt about that. The Holy Ghost has given me this knowledge through experience over a long period of time. I know this. It's real and it's true. 

-Elder Benjamin Kohkonen Cox (GKLM)

Missionary Christmas Party!
Elder Williams, Elder Cox, Elder Hoole and Elder ____

District Christmas Party!


The Sisters, the Boettchers, Elders Williams, Cox, Kloepfer and Irwin

Icy lake

PB Kiss cookies!

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