Monday, October 12, 2015


October 12, 2015

Dear Family,

Campbellsville is more urban than Corydon which is more rural. The people here are nicer than Corydon. Campbellsville is better at saying no. I haven't gotten to know the members all to well yet. The Campbellsville branch is split up into two missionary areas. There's the Campbellsville part and the Columbia part. Most of the active members live in Columbia's area. We have all the older less actives in our area. 

Elder Jensen is a great guy! We have very similar personalities. That makes everything easier. Elder Jensen has been out for 18 months. I came out when he hit his year mark. He's from Morgan, Utah. He's a huge gamer. He was in the Sulpher Well video. He's the taller one with glasses. I spit like half of the stuff out. I drank the other half. It tasted exactly like rotten eggs. Sister Webb looked like she was about to lose it. 

Chapter 6 in PMG is probably my favorite chapter in the whole book. Something Elder Zwick said when he was here, which is repeated in Chapter 6, was "Who you become is more important that anything you do."

Sorry about your friend. We really do need to stop with all the funerals. 2015 has been hard. 2016 should be a little better though. As I've said before when things get hard, blessings are on the way. I expect 2017 to be amazing though. I come home that year.

This week was better than last week as far a productivity goes. We only have 1 person who's agreed to baptism here and that's Little Miss R. She's a 9 year old little girl who's the daughter of a less active. She's pretty hyper but her retention is excellent. She's got the 5 steps of the gospel down and the 5 things we're not suppose to partake of from the Word of Wisdom. It's cool to see someone that young just suck up the gospel the way she does. We gave her a children's Book of Mormon and she's had her mom read it to her every night.

We had a cool experience on Saturday. We went through half of our "formers" list and got several names that seemed promising. We went to the house of one of the names, Mr J, and when we knocked, he opened and told us he was just praying about what church he should go to the next day. He told us our presence answered his question. Neither Elder Jensen or I know why the former missionaries dropped him. He asked us to start lessons up again. We had a good discussion about the Sacrament. He's unhappy with his current churches. They apparently don't do the sacrament very often. Sadly he didn't make it to church on Sunday. But we're hopeful that we'll be able to teach him.

Elder Jensen and I had to give the training in District Meeting on Thursday. We trained on chapter 2 of PMG. It went really well. We were trying to teach the district the importance of preparing for lessons. We opened up with a demonstration of what a lesson is like when the missionaries aren't prepared. I was trying to teach the Restoration to an investigator but Elder Jensen was trying to teach the Law of Chastity at the same time. Law of Chastity role-plays always get missionaries busting up laughing because of how awkward they are. Apparently Sister Webb recorded it. I could not keep a straight face. I would say my part like a normal missionary would but I would start laughing as soon as Elder Jensen would talk about the Law of Chastity. The actual training part was well received. The district liked it.

The longer I serve the more and more I'm convinced this is Christ's church. It's too perfect. It all works too well for it to be false. I've known the church was true my whole life but the mission has significantly built upon that early testimony. I'm so happy for this time I've had to serve. I'm also happy that I have a lot longer to go.

I forgot to mention that we did a lot of service for a couple of our investigators who've been investigating for a long time. We had to split and move logs around. They had a log splitter but there were some pieces I had to take a maul to. I felt right at home hacking away at logs again.

Take care. Thanks for being an example and for all that you do :) Have a nice day.

-Elder (You Better Not Get a Dog) Cox 

This is the inside of Emery's. The guy behind the bar is Jason. He's the Emery's guy.
He served all of the ice cream to me during my time in Corydon.

That's Elder Shelley on the other side of Emery's. It has a lot of candy.

Jason gave me a free Peach Nehi. I bought 2 and he threw the third one in.

This is a drawing of Emery's. It looks exactly like that in person.
Corydon blues... Me and a Nehi on the last day in Corydon.

Look at this lovely purple hoodie I got at Butt Drugs. :)

 I forgot to mention this: I was rear ended last week on my last day in Corydon.
I'm fine. No one's hurt. Everyone was a bit shaken but nothing bad happened.

Our back bumper.

This is how we fixed the bumper.
Elder Shelley and the new guy will have to deal with the body shop again.
I think it's funny that happened on my last day.

The Buttiglieri's had us over that night and the Coke's were perfectly themed for what happened earlier that day.

This is how it was the first 3 days in Campbellsville. Rain.
It never stopped. It rained for 3 days straight. No breaks at all.

These are our desks in the apartment.

It's a little cold here.

This is Elder Jensen.

"Ski" is a local soda.

There's a store called Mitchell's here. It's basically a mini Men's Wearhouse.
The lady who runs it loves missionaries. She sells really nice ties. I love that shade of purple.
I was surprised I was drawn to that pink one as well. That's my first pink tie.

This is what our fridge looks like:
We've got a few Cokes, a couple cans of Ski, and 4 packs of Mtn. Dew Game Fuel.
Game Fuel comes out at this time of year in time for the major gaming releases.
They don't call it "Game Fuel" for nothing. Elder Jensen LOVES Game Fuel.

Sulpher Well, KY

This stuff was nasty.

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