Monday, January 9, 2017

Below Bitter Cold

January 9, 2017

Dear Family,

For the sake of time I'm going to keep this shorter than most other emails. Get the week below

-> Large Plates <-
Normal P-Day full of cleaning and shopping. Because of the Christmas season, I got some extra cash. Thank you!!!! I'm such a child. :D

We visited Mr Ad again. As always we read with him. He's able to pick a lot out of the BoM. He'll make a good member. 

The temperature was great! We bike around for most of the day. It rained off and on though. Lame! 

We saw Ms Ro and taught her a powerful Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson and tied everything into the Atonement. She's starting to really open up to us. She's a lot happier around us now than she was when I first got here. 

We also taught Bro L and read 2 Nephi 2. As always, he seems to be progressing. We should see him at church in the coming weeks. 

We did a lot of our new favorite activity. Walking. We walked everywhere in town. 

We taught Miss B and finished L5 with her. She's ready. She really wants to get baptized. We just need to do the interview now to get her baptized.

It snowed! There was about 2 or 3 inches on the ground! It was 20 degrees all day!

We saw Ms Ro again and read Elder J. Devin Cornish's "Am I Good Enough? Will I Make It?" from last conference. She loved it! It help put things into perspective for her.

We served at Food 4 R Souls. This time was BBQ sammiches. 

We saw Bro L again and reviewed the Plan of Salvation for him. We briefly visited Mr M. He's still reading the BoM thankfully. 

The Madison Elders drove us down to New Albany for a Zone meeting. They gave a bunch of trainings on being yourself. It was a good meeting. We went to Steak N' Shake for lunch afterwards. Their burgers are cheap but they're actually good. 

3 of our 4 lessons fell though so we spent a majority of the day walking around in 10 degree weather with a windchill of 3 degrees. 

We taught Mr A and his dad again. It was nice to have both of them to teach. We taught them about family home evening. They're a solid family.

We spent about half the day in Crothersville trying people. Not much happened there. We ate at the Subway they have. For Crothersville being as small as it is, they've got a surprisingly nice and large Subway. 

We saw Bro L again and read Alma 5. It sort of threw down on a lot of the stuff he needs to fix. 

We taught Mr Ma for the first time in a while. We taught him the Restoration. It must have been led by the Spirit because I remember nothing I said. 

Church! Bro L came. Our branch president, President Pernod, gave us a 10 second notice to teach gospel principles. We started with the first lesson since we finished the book last week. It was a solid class period. Everyone there participated a lot. It made our life easy. 

Later on we met with a man named Da and his wife C. They live next to Ms J. We had a nice conversation about eternal families and the BoM. They're interested in learning more. We'll see where they go. 

-> Small Plates <-
Are you reading your scriptures? Just checking....

-Elder Benjamin Kohkonen Cox (GKLM)

Crazy Zone Meeting!

Funny missionaries

New Albany Zone - January 2017

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